P u b l i c a t i o n s

J. López, P. Reviriego, J.A. Maestro, M. Sánchez-Renedo, V. Petrovic, J. F. Dufour and J.S. Weil, “SEPHY: An Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver for Space”, presented at AMICSA 2016.

Available here

A. Breitenreiter, J. López, P. Reviriego, D. González and M. Krstic, “Eine Methode zur Verifikation von Mixed-Signal-ASIC”. In Proceedings of the GI Workshop "Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen (TuZ 2017)", 73, 2017.


P. Reviriego, J. López, M. Sanchez-Renedo, V. Petrovic, J. F. Dufour and J. S. Weil, "The space Ethernet physical layer transceiver (Sephy) project: a step towards reliable Ethernet in space," in IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 24-28, 2017.

Available here

A. Breitenreiter and M. Krstić, “An Automated Design and Verification Flow for Fault-Tolerant ASICs”. An Abstract at  Biannual European - Latin American Summer School on Design, Test and Reliability. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2017.


Y. Li, A. Breitenreiter, M. Andjelkovic, O. Schrape and M. Krstić, "Flip-Flop SEUs Mitigation Through Partial Hardening of Internal Latch and Adjustment of Clock Duty Cycle", the 21st IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 2018.


C. M. Navaneetha, A. Breitenreiter, M. Ulbricht, M. Krstić, “A Methodology to Verify Digital IP’s Within Mixed-Signal Systems”, the 21st IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 2018.


J. López, J. Torreño, U. Gutierro, E. Pun, P. Reviriego, A. Breitenreiter, Y. Li, M. Krstić, "A 10/100 Ethernet Transceiver for Space Applications", AMICSA 2018.


Fidi, M. Mäke-Kail, I. Masar, “Development of a cPCI-Serial Space compliant deterministic Ethernet Switch”, DASIA 2018.

C. Fidi, M. Mäke-Kail, I. Masar, “Development Status of the Rad-Tolerant TTEthernet Controller”, DASIA 2018.


N. Ganry, “Microchip ARM Solutions for Space”, From COTS to Rad-Hard by Design System-on-Chips, DASIA 2018.

C. Fidi, A. Loveless, “A Modular, Scalable Avionics Architecture for Future Exploration Missions, DASIA 2018”.


A. Ryabokon and M. Mäke-Kail, "H2020 project SEPHY implements innovative technologies to realize ITAR-free physical layer transceiver", SafeTRANS, 2018-01.


Daniel González, "SEPHY - Result In Brief", CORDIS, 2018.


SEPHY at EU Research, 2018.
